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Striving to adopt the highest environmental standards

Our environmental policy


We are committed to making products that are healthier for people and kinder to the environment. We also believe in assisting our customers to use our products in an environmentally responsible manner.

We strive to reduce environmental impact in all of our day to day operations. This includes minimising the use of materials, energy and transport and using renewable and recyclable materials where possible.

We believe in continually measuring and reviewing our impact on the environment and set targets for ongoing improvement.

We are certified to ISO 14001 Environment Management (EMS) Standard. This framework guides us in reducing and managing our impact on the environment.

We also expect all third parties and stakeholders that we work with to employ similar environmental standards.
Polyseam fire prevention manufacturer


We strive to power our operations with electricity from renewable sources, and our factory has been harnessing energy from solar panels since October 2017



Any effluent is compliant with water authority consents and we actively implement processes to reduce effluent discharges.

Less plastic waste

Less plastic waste

Plastic cartridges are being replaced where and when possible with foil sausages, supplied in cardboard boxes on reusable wooden pallets in order to reduce plastic waste.

Cleaner, greener products

Cleaner, greener products

The products we manufacture are water based and free of, or contain minimal VOC’s.

Cleaner, greener products

The bigger picture

Our products consider the health and well-being of our employees during the production process, end users and the environment.



We encourage our employees to walk, cycle or car share to work to reduce environmental impact. All company-hired vehicles are hybrids.

Our living, green wall

Our living, green wall